Membership Categories & Annual Subscription Costs
Individual person
Ordinary Member – £14.00
A person of the same family living at the same address as an Ordinary Member paying full rate.
Additional Family member – £7.00
(total for Joint Ordinary membership £21.00)
Concessionary Ordinary Member
Concessionary Ord. Member (UK over 70yrs) – £12.00
Libraries and other associations/institutions
Associate Member – £19.00 (Not applicable to individuals)
To apply for Membership of the Renfrewshire Family History Society, please print the application form, complete, sign and send it to the following address including payment for the correct amount depending upon your location (see “Membership Categories and Annual Subscription Costs” above).
Membership Secretary,
Renfrewshire Family History Society,
c/o 38 Lubnaig Drive
Please make all cheques payable to “Renfrewshire Family History Society” and crossed “A/C Payee“.
RFHS Application Form-2025
(MS Word “.docx” file)RFHS Application Form-2025
(Adobe PDF version – if you don’t have MS Word)
Online Payments including Overseas Payments
Members can join the Society or renew their subscriptions through GENfair at
Alternatively the Society prefers to receive all cheques in pounds Sterling. However, the Society can accept cheques in other currencies as long as the member adds an additional £5 to their membership fee to cover our bank exchange charges.
Please use the exchange rate current at the time of payment.
If Currency notes are sent, the Society cannot accept any responsibility if these are lost in the postal system.